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创建时间:  2017/09/11  毕荣蓉   浏览次数:   

1.消费者行为 Cultural Differences in Brand Extension Evaluation The Influence of Analytic versus Holistic   Thinking
2.娱乐营销When It Pays to Wait Optimizing Release Timing Decisions for Secondary Channels in the Film Industry
3.组织行为 Antecedents and intervention mechanisms a multi-level study of R&D team’s knowledge hiding behavior
4.可持续发展Applying Stakeholder Theory in Sustainability Management
5.企业社会责任Walking and Talking Corporate Social Responsibility_ Implications of Firm Size and Organizational Cost
6.战略管理Bribery And Investment Firm-Level Evidence From Africa And Latin America
7运营管理Evaluating information diffusion speed and its determinants in social media networks during humanitarian crises
8.服务供应链Professional service supply chains
9.供应链管理An improved demand forecasting method to reduce bullwhip effect in supply chains
10.人力资源管理Is humor the best medicine The buffering effect of coping humor on traumatic stressors in firefighters
1. Matthew A. Cole, and Robert J.R. ElliottDetermining the Trade-Environment Composition Effect The Role of Capital, Labor and Environmental RegulationsJournal of Environmental Economics and Management 46 (2003) 363–383
2. Michele Berardi, Endogenous time-varying risk aversion and asset returns, J Evol Econ (2016) 26:581–601
3. Masahisa Fujita, The Evolution Of Spatial Economics: From ThüNen To The New Economic Geography,The Japanese Economic Review Vol. 61, No. 1, March 2010
4. Ming YE , Bo MENG , and Shang-jin WEI Measuring Smile Curves in Global Value Chainsworking paperAug 27, 2015
5. Robert Koopman, Zhi Wang, and Shang-Jin WeiTracing Value-Added and Double Counting in Gross ExportsAmerican Economic Review 2014, 104(2): 1–37
6.OS Oladele, D Bradfield, Low volatility sector-based portfolios:a South African case, ORiON ,Volume 32 (1), pp. 55–78
7. M. Scott Taylor, University of Calgary Is Free Trade Good for the Environmentworking paper ,September, 2001 
8.Marinella Cadoni, Roberta Melis, Alessandro Trudda 3, Financial Crisis: A New Measure for Risk of Pension Fund Portfolios, working paper.
9. Chad Syverson,What Determines Productivity?, Journal of Economic Literature 2011, 49:2, 326–365 
10.Maria Elvira Mancino, Maria Cristina Recchioni, Fourier Spot Volatility Estimator: Asymptotic Normality and Efficiency with Liquid and Illiquid High-Frequency Data
11. Peilei Fan, Innovation In China. Journal of Economic Surveys (2014) Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 725–745 
12.Philipp Schmitz, Markus Glaser, and Martin Weber. Individual Investor Sentiment and Stock Returns - What Do We Learn from Warrant Traders?                                           
13. Zhang Xueliang ,Has Transport Infrastructure Promoted Regional Economic Growth?— With an Analysis of the Spatial Spillover Effects of Transport Infrastructure. Social Sciences in China, 2013.Vol. 34, No. 2, 24-47
14.Kristjan Liivamägi, Investor education and trading activity on the stock market, Baltic Journal Of Economics, 2016 VOL. 16, NO. 2, 114–131
1. Building Information Modeling Steered by Evolutionary Computing (M. Y. Rafiq1 and M. J. Rustell) 该篇文献文件比较大,请自行下载,现在地址如下:
 2. Software Module Clustering as a Multi-Objective Search Problem
3. The Strategic Role of Third-Party Marketplaces in retailing
4. A novel passenger recovery approach for the integrated airline recovery problem

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