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创建时间:  2019/02/22  刘方   浏览次数:   

必威betway平台由悉尼科技大学(UTS)与betway唯一官网(SHU)合作建立,通过向必威betway平台学生提供在UTS悉尼校区学习的机会,鼓励学生获得广泛的国际视野和教育经历,悉尼科技大学同意每年向必威betway平台学生提供UTS奖学金,共分为三类。此外,在UTS与Dr. Chau Chak Wing的共同资助下,UTS每年向必威betway平台学生提供Dr. Chau Chak Wing奖学金


The SHU-UTS (SILC) Business School was established by the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) in partnership with Shanghai University (SHU). The purpose of the UTS Scholarship for the SILC students is to encourage and provide opportunities for students to gain a broader international perspective and education experience through studying at UTS in Sydney. The UTS scholarships are offered to the SILC Business School students in three categories.  


In addition, under the joint funding of UTS and Dr Chau Chak Wing, each year, UTS offers the Dr Chau Chak Wing Scholarship to the SILC students.




Other than the above four scholarship programs, UTS also provides overseas study opportunities for self-funded students who may choose to study at UTS in Sydney for one teaching session or one full academic year.  The tuition fee and living expenses will be borne by individual.



Because there are various scholarship conditions, please read them carefully.



UTS Scholarship (three categories):


第一类 — UTS-betway唯一官网本科双学位项目奖学金


Category (1) - UTS- Shanghai University undergraduate dual degree program scholarship



This Category is provided for the SILC undergraduate students.  There are up to *8 scholarship recipients per academic year.  All scholarship recipients will be selected from the second year dual degree students of Shanghai University. The award will be given out at the time students are admitted into the UTS Bachelor degree and enrolled to study at the Sydney Campus of UTS. The study period for the recipient will be for the maximum of

one academic year.


*如有奖学金获得者申请在UTS悉尼校区攻读一学期,在奖学金总额不超过原定预算的基础上,UTS将考虑授予符合奖学金条件的同学, 不超过16个

*If there are students applying to study for one teaching session only at the UTS Sydney campus, UTS may consider granting the scholarship to the maximum of 16 eligible students, subject to the total scholarship funding not exceeding the original budget.



UTS will provide to each recipient:


· 在悉尼校区完成学士学位课程的学费;

Tuition Fee to study the Bachelor degree at UTS in Sydney

· 学生的医疗保险

Health Insurance

· 学生服务和设施费用

Student Services and Amenity Fees.



Category 2 – Bachelor degree Scholarship for SILC pathway graduates


该项目针对学院Pathway项目学生。每学年有四个奖学金获得者,所有获奖者将从SILC攻读UTS Insearch课程(Diploma of Business) 的学生中选取, 于注册UTS学士学位并被UTS悉尼校区录取时颁发

This Category is provided for the SILC Pathway program students.  There are four scholarship recipients per academic year. All recipients are selected from SILC students studying the UTS Insearch course (Diploma of Business). The award will be given out at the time students are admitted into the UTS Bachelor degree and enrolling to study at the Sydney Campus of UTS.



Details are as follows:


a) 2+2项目学生:至多两个获奖者将从被UTS悉尼校区学士学位项目录取的学生中选出;

2+2 program students: Up to two (2) new recipients for students enrolling to study a Bachelor degree in Sydney at UTS.


b) 3+1项目学生:至多两个获奖者将从3+1项目学生中选出。3+1项目学生在上海完成一年UTS学士学位学习,再赴UTS悉尼校区完成最后一年的学习。


3+1 program students: Up to two (2) new recipients for students enrolling to study for one year of the UTS Bachelor Degree in Shanghai and the final year of the degree in Sydney.



UTS will provide to each recipient AUD$10,000.



Category 3 – Master degree Scholarship for Bachelor degree graduates at SILC



This Category is provided for the Year 4 Bachelor students of SILC.  Up to four recipients per academic year will be selected from SILC graduates enrolling to study the Master degree at UTS in Sydney.



SILC graduates include:


· betway唯一官网与UTS双学位项目的毕业生;
SHU/UTS dual degree bachelor degree graduates


· 获得UTS学士学位的毕业生(Pathway 项目学生), 
SILC pathway students who completed the UTS Bachelor degree at SILC



UTS will provide to each recipient AUD$10,000.


三类UTS大学奖学金有效时间 :
Validity period of the Scholarship for all three categories



When a student is admitted and enrolled into a bachelor's degree or master's degree course by UTS to study in Sydney, the scholarship is valid for up to 2 teaching sessions.


Application Conditions for all three Categories


· 申请第一类奖学金的同学必须:

i. betway唯一官网学士学位的二年生;

ii. 达到UTS学位的入学要求,包括满足英语语言要求,即雅思总分不低于6.5,写作不低于6.0; 和

iii. 达到奖学金资格要求,即在提交申,SHU取得平均良好成绩,至少65分)

For Category (1) Scholarship – Applicants must :

i. be an enrolled SHU Bachelor degree second year student;

ii. met the admission requirements for the UTS Bachelor degree, including meeting the English language requirements of having an IELTS overall score not lower than 6.5 and 6.0 in writing; and met the Scholarship eligibility requirement of achieving an average score of at least 65 at SHU at the time of submitting the application

· 申请第二类和第三类的同学必须:
For Category (2) & (3) Scholarships, applicants must:

i. 满足UTS的注册要求;
met the admission requirements for the UTS Bachelor degree, and

ii. 达到奖学金资格要求,即在提交申时衔接课取得平均良好成绩,至少65分
met the Scholarship eligibility requirement of achieving an average score of at least 65 for the Pathway Program at the time of submitting the applicatioan.


· 完成学院项目申请表 (申请表格请见附件一);
Complete the SILC Application Form for Overseas Study (Appendix One)


· 完成UTS申请表格(申请表格请见附件二);
Complete UTS Application Form (Appendix Two)


· 个人陈述,该陈述需表明申请者具备能够在UTS学士学位课程或硕士课程中表现优异的决心与能力 (个人陈述表格请见附件三)。
Personal Statement – Provide a personal statement which outlines that the applicant has the determination and ability to perform well in a UTS bachelor's degree or master's degree (see Appendix 3 for a personal statement form)


- 申请第一类和二类(b)奖学金的同学学院际办公室将在收到申请表并完成第一阶段考虑后,建议是否需要个人陈述。
For Category (1) & 2(b) applicants, the SILC International Office will advise if a Personal Statement is required after the Application Form is received and first stage consideration completed.

- 申请第二类(a)和第三类的同学,UTS际办公将自动考虑所有提交课程申请并符合奖学金资格标准的学生。 如果有多个申请人具有资格标准和相同的成绩,大学际办公将联系申请人提交个人陈述


For Category (2a) & (3) UTS International will automatically consider all commencing international students who has submitted a course application and meeting the scholarship eligibility criteria for this scholarship. Where there are multiple applicants with the same results, applicants may be contacted in writing to submit a written statement



UTS – Dr. Chau Chak Wing奖学金:

UTS-Dr Chau Chak Wing Scholarship


该类奖学金针仅针对SILC留学直通班学生,最多有3个奖学金获得者。所有获奖者将从SILC攻读UTS Insearch商科文凭课程(Diploma of Business) 的学生中选取, 于注册UTS学士学位并被UTS悉尼校区录取时颁发。

This Scholarship is only for pathway students studying at SILC with a maximum of 3 scholarship recipients.  Up to three (3) recipients per academic year will be selected from the UTS Insearch Diploma of Business students enrolling to study the UTS Bachelor degree in Sydney at UTS.


UTS will provide to each recipient:

· 在UTS悉尼校区完成一学期学士学位课程的学费;

Tuition fee for one teaching session of the Bachelor degree course.


· 每学期10,000澳元的生活补贴(由Chau Chak Wing奖学金资助)
AUD $10,000 living allowance for each teaching session (funded by the Dr Chau Chak Wing Scholarship).



Validity period of the Scholarship: Maximum one teaching session.


Application Conditions:

· 满足UTS注册要求;
Meet the UTS admissions requirements


· 达到奖学金资格要求,即在提交申取得平均良好成绩,至少65分)

met the Scholarship eligibility requirement of achieving an average score of at least 65 at the time of submitting the application.


· 完成学院项目申请表(申请表格请见附件一)
Complete the SILC application Form for Overseas Study(Appendix 1)


· 完成UTS申请表格(申请表格请见附件二)
Complete the UTS Application Form (Appendix 2)


· 个人陈述,该陈述需表明申请者具备能够在UTS学士学位课程或硕士课程中表现优异的决心与能力 (个人陈述表格请见附件三);
Provide a personal statement.  The statement should demonstrate the applicant’s determination and capability to maintain a good performance for the Bachelor or Master degree studies.


UTS 自费海外学习项目
Self-funded students



UTS also provides opportunities for SILC students to study overseas at UTS.  Students may choose to study at UTS for one teaching session or one academic year, tuition fee and living expenses will be borne by individual students.

For more information on form completion, please refer to Appendix 5 - UTS Scholarship Application Materials and information requirements.

申请流程Application process:

1.           本科生请在本页面下载并填写"必威betway平台海外项目申请表(仅限本科生使用)"UTS申请表、个人陈述(如果学院要求),准备雅思成绩单(共4份材料);
Undergraduate students are requested to download and fill out the " SILC Business School Overseas Study Student Application Form (for undergraduate use)", UTS application form, personal statement  (if required by the SILC International Office), and prepare IELTS transcripts ( 4 materials in total ).


2.             Pathway同学请在页面下载并填写UTS申请表、个人陈述(如果UTS或学院要求),准备雅思成绩单(共3份材);
Pathway students please download and fill out the UTS application form, personal statement (if required by UTS or SILC) , and prepare IELTS transcripts ( 3 materials in total ) on the page;


3.           填好的UTS申请表和/或个人陈述请打印出来,用中英文姓名签字,扫描成一个PDF文档,并以"学生姓名拼音+申请表"命名(姓名拼音的字母全部大写,名在前,姓在后,名和姓之间空格),以便后续申请中使用;

Print and signed in Chinese and English name on completed UTS application form and personal statement, scan it into a PDF document, and name it with "Student Name Pinyin + Application Form" (in the order of First Name, followed by Surname, with a space in between, all capitalized), for subsequent use in the application;

Please fill in the form according to the requirements in "Appendix V - UTS Scholarship Application Materials and Filling in Requirements".


4.            将雅思成绩单扫描件命名为"学生姓名拼音+雅思成绩";
Name the scanned copy of the IELTS transcript as "Student Name Pinyin + IELTS Score";


5.            进入https://www.wjx.top/jq/34812535.aspx,填写网上报名信息,并上传34中提到的扫描件。
Go to https://www.wjx.top/jq/10421346.aspx , fill out the online application information, and upload the scanned items mentioned in 3 and 4.


6.            本科生请在完成上述流程后,填写"必威betway平台海外项目申请表(仅限本科生使用)",贴上照片,经本人、家长签字后,将纸质报名表交至文博楼201办公室吴明龙老师。
Undergraduate students, please complete the above process, fill out the "SILC Business School Overseas Study Student Application Form (for undergraduate use only)", attach photos, signed by yourself and parents, submit the hard copy application form to Rm 201 , Wenbo Building, Attention: Mr Wu Minglong.


7.            学院审核,确定初步选派名单;
reviews and determines the preliminary selection list.


8.            学院国际部会通知后续流程及所需材料。

The SILC International Office will inform students the follow-up process and the required materials.


注意 Note

1.   选择International Business 专业同学可申请去UTS学习一学期;选择Management 专业同学可申请去UTS学习一学期或一学年;选择Finance专业的同学可申请去UTS学习一学期。
Students who choose International Business can apply to UTS for one teaching session; students with Management can apply to UTS for one teaching session or one academic year.


2.  每位同学只能申请一类奖学金。
Each student may only apply for one category of scholarship.


3.   国贸专业学生只能选择在UTS攻读 International Business 专业,学习时间只能为1学期;工管与信管专业学生只能选择在UTS攻读 Management 专业,学习时间为1学期或 2 学期。金融专业学生只能选择在UTS攻读Finance,学习时间为1学期。
International Trade students can only choose to study International Business at UTS, and the study duration can only be 1 teaching session; students of Business/Information Management can only choose to study Mangement Major at UTS, the study duration can be one or two teaching sessions.


4.   填写UTS申请表时,表格中的Your choice of major指的是拟在UTS学习的专业,不是betway唯一官网的在读专业。只能根据实际情况,填写 International Business 或者 Management 或Finance
When filling out the UTS application form, the choice of major in the form refers to the major to be studied at UTS, not the major of Shanghai University. You can only fill in International Business or Management according to the actual available major for SILC students studying in Sydney.


5.   更多填写注意事项请参照附件五- UTS奖学金申请材料以及填写要求。
For more information on form completion, please refer to Appendix 5 - UTS Scholarship Application Materials and information requirements.

报名截止日期: 2019年3月11日  Registration deadline : March 11


If you have any questions about the Scholarship information, please send an email to silcinternational@163.com (Ms. Liu Fang, Room 202, Wende Building)


· 附件一必威betway平台学生海外项目申请表(仅限本科生使用)

· Appendix I - SILC Business School Business Overseas Study Students Application Form (for undergraduate students only)

· 附件二-UTS申请表
Appendix 2 – UTS Application Form

· 附件三-个人陈述
Appendix 3 – Personal Statement

· 附件四-UTS奖学金项目FAQ
Appendix 4 - UTS Scholarship FAQ

· 附件五- UTS奖学金申请材料以及填写要求
Appendix 5 - UTS Scholarship application materials and completion requirements 

