2021必威betway平台商科国际青年学者论坛 2021 SILC International Forum for Young Business Scholars 2021年10月22日,线上 Oct 22nd, 2021, Online 必威betway平台成立于1994年,是国内成立最早、声誉卓著的中外合作商学院,合作方为澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(UTS)。学院已经形成以本科教育为主体,以研究生教育和国际学生教育为两翼的办学格局。学院依托合作双方大学的综合优势,积极引进海外大学的优质教育资源,建立完善的质量保障体系,始终走在国内中外合作办学领域的前列,2006年被上海市教委推荐为中外合作办学认证的首家试点单位,成为全国第一家通过国家教育评估机构质量认证并获得证书的中外合作学院。2020年2月,学院通过AACSB认证(为期五年),标志着学院正式加入国际精英商学院行列,成为全国为数不多的通过AACSB认证的中外合作办学机构;同时,betway唯一官网成为全国首个通过AACSB国际认证的地方211高校。2020年和2021年,学院工商管理和国际经济与贸易专业分别获批国家一流专业建设点。 SILC Business School was founded in 1994, and is the first Sino-foreign cooperative business institute established in China. Since its founding, it has gained fame at home and abroad. SILC’s foreign partner is the University of Technology Sydney in Australia. SILC focuses on undergraduate programs while also offering postgraduate and international student programs. Based on integrating the advantages of both universities, SILC has introduced first-class teaching resources and established a strict quality control system. The quality of education at SILC has always been ranked highly among Sino-foreign cooperative institutes in China. In 2006, SILC was recommended by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission as the first test unit to receive accreditation on Sino-foreign cooperative education, thus becoming not only the first Sino-foreign cooperative business school to receive such accreditation by a state authorized audit organization, but also the first school to ever pass the accreditation process. In Feb 2020, SILC passed AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and became one of the few Sino-foreign cooperative institutes that has achieved AASCB accreditation. Shanghai University became the first 211 project university sponsored by local government that has achieved AACSB accreditation. In 2020 and 2021, Business Administration major and International Economics and Trade major were successfully accepted into the state-sponsored first-rate major development project. betway唯一官网与悉尼科技大学开展国际联聘,在全球范围招聘为学院引进一流师资,学院目前有教职工208人,其中,中方全职教师112人,外籍全职教师23人,行政管理人员73人。此外,还有澳方派遣教师17人,国内外高校特聘教授20人。此外,学院还拥有一支聘自世界各国高校的访问教师队伍,利用每年来我们短期访学的机会进行集中授课。 Shanghai University and the University of Technology Sydney have cooperated in international joint employment and recruited experienced faculties from all over the world. At present, SILC has 208 full-time employees, of whom 112 are Chinese academic staff, 23 are foreign academic staff, and 73 are administrative staff. Besides, SILC has 17 teachers sent from UTS and 20 specially-appointed professors from home and abroad. All the Chinese full-time teachers have doctoral degrees or overseas study experience. In addition, SILC has a team of visiting teachers from universities throughout the world. They give intensive classes during their visit in SILC and bring the latest trends of the relevant fields from universities of various countries. betway唯一官网具有优美的工作环境、广阔的事业发展空间、国际化的科研教学平台、极具竞争力的薪酬待遇,现举办2021年必威betway平台“商科”国际青年学者论坛,竭诚欢迎海内外英才参加。本青年学者论坛,旨在为管理学、经济学等领域的海内外优秀青年学者搭建学术交流平台,探讨商科热点问题,促进学术交流与合作,加强对betway唯一官网及必威betway平台的全面了解,为我们高水平大学“一流商科”建设计划的实施汇聚全球英才。 Shanghai University enjoys beautiful working environment, broad space for career development, international platform for scientific researches and teaching as well as highly competitive remuneration package. As we are planning to hold the 2021 SILC International Forum for Young Business Scholars, we sincerely invite outstanding talents from home and abroad to join us in this forum. The Forum aims to build an academic exchange platform for domestic and foreign outstanding young scholars in management and economics fields. The Forum focuses on the international academic frontiers of various fields and disciplines of business studies to explore hot issues of business studies, promote academic exchanges and cooperation, deepen young scholars’ comprehensive understanding of Shanghai University and SILC, so as to attract and gather worldwide talents to join us for the implementation of “first-class business studies” construction program, thus to build Shanghai University to be a high-level university. 2021必威betway平台“商科”国际青年学者论坛将于2021年10月22日在线举行,以供参会学者足不出户通过因特网实现面对面的交流。 The 2021 SILC International Forum for Young Business Scholars will be held online on Oct 22nd, 2021, thus to enable participants to make face-to-face communications through the Internet without leaving home, and explore efficient communication modes in this special period. 一、会议主题 Forum Theme 数字化管理与经济发展、能源、环境与大健康产业,主要讨论在全球处于高度不确定性环境下,经济全球化发展的挑战、金融政策的影响以及数字化在管理中应用。汇聚全球知名学者的智慧,积聚青年学者的创新见解,为破解当前经济发展困境,提供新的观点、建议与解决方案。 Frontiers of economics and management in the Digital Era, energy, environment and “big health”, which mainly discuss the challenges brought about by economic globalization, the influences of financial policies as well as the application of digitization in management under the highly uncertain environment on a global scale. Through gathering the wisdom of world-renowned scholars and accumulating innovative insights from young scholars, to provide new perspectives, suggestions, and solutions to solve the current economic development dilemma. 1. 数量金融 Quantitative Finance 2. 供应链与运筹优化 Supply Chain and Operations Optimization 3. 组织行为和数字营销 Organizational Behavior and Digital Marketing 二、学科领域 Academic Fields 经济、贸易(研究方向:城市经济、能源环境经济、可持续发展、国际贸易);金融、会计(研究方向:数量金融、公司金融、智能财务、财务会计);工商管理(研究方向:数字化营销、创新创业、战略管理、人力资源管理);管理科学与工程(研究方向:信息管理(大数据方向优先)、运营管理、服务运作管理)。 · Economics and trade including urban economy, energy and environmental economics, sustainable development, and international trade. · Finance and accounting including quantitative finance, corporate finance, intelligent finance, and financial accounting. · Business administration including digital marketing, innovation and entrepreneurship, strategic management, and human resource management. · Management science and engineering including information management (big data preferred), operations management, and service operations management. 三、邀请对象 Applicants 1、年龄不超过40周岁,在海内外高水平大学或研究机构取得博士学位。获博士学位后全职或全时在海外工作经历满3年(含博士后工作经历),或助理教授及以上职称,已取得突出成果者,年龄可适当放宽。 Applicants under the age of 40 with a Ph.D. degree in domestic and foreign high-level universities or research institutions. Applicants who have three years of overseas full-time work experience after receiving the doctorate (including the post-doctoral work experience), or get the title of assistant professor and above. For applicants who have already made breakthroughs, the age conditions could be relaxed. 2、在所从事学科前沿领域取得突破性成果或具有良好的发展潜力; Applicants who have made a breakthrough in the frontiers of the disciplines they engaged respectively or have good development potential. 3、有志于来中国发展,立足上海,从事学术研究工作的海内外人士。 Domestic and foreign applicants who are willing to pursue development in China and work on academic researches based in Shanghai. 四、论坛日程 Important Dates 1、报名截止:2021年10月10日 Application Deadline: Oct 10th, 2021. 2、论坛邀请:2021年10月11日至10月17日 Applicants Notification: From Oct 11th to Oct 17th, 2021. 3、论坛举办:2021年10月22日 Forum Date: Oct 22nd ,2021 五、会议语言Conference Language 本次会议工作语言为中文或英文 The conference language will be both Chinese and English 六、报名方式 How to apply 请有意向参加论坛的学者填写《2021必威betway平台 “商科”国际青年学者论坛报名表》(附件下载)并附个人简历材料,以邮件形式发送至shenlei@shu.edu.cn 邮箱。 联系人:沈老师;联系电话:+86-21-69980028。 Please complete the application form and send it to shenlei@shu.edu.cn together with your resume. Contact: Ms shen, Tel: +86-21-69980028. |