讲师, 必威betway平台,2018-2020
Innovation andEntrepreneurship
Management Capstone
[1]Lu, F*., Kwan, H. K., & Zhu, Z. (2020). The Effects of Family Firm CEO Traditionality on Successor Choice: The Moderating Role of Socioemotional Wealth. Family Business Review, 0894486520967832(SSCI, IF5.212, Q1)
[2]Xu, Huang, L, Chen., E, Xu., F, Lu., & K., Chai (2020). The Shadow of the Prince: Parent Incumbent’s paradoxically coercive control over child-successors during succession in patriarchal family organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 65(3),710-750.(UTD 24,SSCI, IF8.304, Q1)
[3]Lu, F*., Kwan, H. K., & Ma, B. (2021). Carry the past into the future: the effects of CEO temporal focus on succession planning in family firms. Asia Pacific Journal of
Management, 1-42.(SSCI, IF3.064, Q2)
[4]Lee, J. S., Zhao, G., & Lu, F*. (2019). The Effect of Value Congruence Between Founder and Successor on Successor’s Willingness: The Mediating Role of the Founder–Successor Relationship. Family Business Review, 32(3), 259-276.(SSCI, IF5.212, Q1)
[5]吕斐斐,贺小刚,朱丽娜, &李新春. (2019).家族期望落差与创业退出:基于中国数据的分析.管理科学学报, (6), 5. (自科A)
[6]吕斐斐,朱丽娜,高皓, &贺小刚. (2020). “领头羊”效应?家族企业行业地位与绿色战略的关系研究.管理评论, 32(3), 252-264. (自科A)
[7]吕斐斐,郭亚琪,高皓, &聂晶. (2021).家族期望差距与企业传承:基于中国数据的研究.管理评论,已接收. (自科A)
[8]吕斐斐,张可,朱丽娜, &高皓. (2020).经济期望,家族情感依恋与创业坚持的关系研究.管理学报, 17(3), 394. (自科B)
[9]吕斐斐,邓艳斌, &贺小刚. (2017).家族期望与创业坚持:参考点影响效应研究.南开管理评论, 41-55. (自科A)
[10]吕斐斐,贺小刚, &葛菲. (2015).期望差距与创始人离任方式选择:基于中国家族上市公司的分析.财经研究, 41(7), 68-80.
[11]吕斐斐, &杨青. (2018). “自我超越”团队价值观一致性与创业绩效——一个有调节的中介模型.经济管理, (8),7.
[12]贺小刚,邓浩,吕斐斐, &李新春. (2017).期望落差与企业创新的动态关系-冗余资源与竞争威胁的调节效应分析.管理科学学报, 20(5), 13-34. (自科A)
[13]贺小刚,连燕玲, &吕斐斐. (2016).期望差距与企业家的风险决策偏好——基于中国家族上市公司的数据分析.管理科学学报, 19(8), 1-20. (自科A)
[14]贺小刚,朱丽娜,吕斐斐, &贾植涵. (2019).创业者缘何退出:制度环境视角的研究.南开管理评论, 22(5), 101-116. (自科A)
[15]贺小刚,李婧,吕斐斐, &邓浩. (2015).绩优企业的投机经营行为分析——来自中国上市公司的数据检验.中国工业经济, (5), 110-121. (自科A)
[17]F, Lu., & Z, Zhu. (2019). When Do Politically Connected Firms Use Their Cash on Innovation? The Contingent Effect of China’s Anti-Corruption Policy. Academy of Management 2019,Annual Meeting, USA.
[18]F, Lu., J, Lee & HK. Kwan.,(2017). Why family firms engage in Corruption? The effects of
CEO’s financial aspiration and religious belief. Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA.
[19]F, Lu.,HK. Kwan., & S, Yang., (2017). The effects of CEO’s traditionality on successorchoice in family firms:The moderating role of SEW. Academy of Management 2017 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, USA.
[20]F, Lu.,&X, Huang(2016), Instrument Love : Political marriage and the performance of family firms. Academy of Management 2016 Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA, USA
[21]F, Lu., HK. Kwan., B, M., & He, Xg., (2016), Carrying past to the future: CEO temporal focus and succession planning in family firms. Academy of Management 2016 Annual Meeting,Anaheim, CA, USA.
[22]F, Lu., Family aspirations in family businesses: Construct clarification and development of a reliable metric. The International Family Enterprise Research Academy 2015 Annual Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
[23]J. , Lee & F, Lu., Entrepreneurial Orientation and Its Impact on Innovation of Chinese Family Business: A Transgenerational Perspective. STEP 2016 Conference, Boston, USA.