孙善侠,主要研究方向为能源经济学、环境经济学。在《Energy Economics》,《Environmental Science & Technology》,《Energy Journal》,《Journal of Environmental Management》,《Agricultural Economics》, 《Applied Economics Letters》等期刊发表论文多篇,主持参与国家自然科学基金项目多项。
讲师/文荟学者, 必威betway平台, betway唯一官网,2017-至今
[1] Yuqin Shen, Shanxia Sun*, Seong Yun, Ling Huang, 2023. “Impacts of Biomass Power Generation on Ambient Air Quality – Evidence from China.” Applied Economics Letters, 1-5 (ahead-of-print). (*通讯作者; 第一作者为所指导硕士研究生.)
[2] Brayam Valqui Ordonez, Mort D. Webster, Shanxia Sun, and Thomas Hertel, 2023. “Coal-Biomass Co-firing within Renewable Portfolio Standards: Strategic Adoption by Heterogeneous Firms and Emissions Implications.” The Energy Journal. Vol. 44, No. 5, 95-128. (ABS 3; A; impact factor:3.494)
[3] Johnson, D.R., Sun, S., Huang, A.K. and T. W. Hertel, 2022. “Quantifying the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Abatement Cost of Biomass Co-firing in Coal-powered Electricity Generation”. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 19, 3469–3480.
[4] Shanxia Sun, Brayam Valqui Ordonez, Mort D. Webster, Jing Liu, Christopher J. Kucharik, and Thomas Hertel, 2020. “Fine-Scale Analysis of the Energy−Land−Water Nexus: Nitrate Leaching Implications of Biomass Cofiring in the Midwestern United States.” Environmental Science & Technology 54: 2122-2132. (ABS 3; impact factor:7.864)
[5] Shanxia Sun, Michael S. Delgado, and Neha Khanna, 2019. “Hybrids Vehicles, Social Signals and Household Driving: Implications for Miles Traveled and Gasoline Consumption.” Energy Economics 84: 104519. (ABS 3; A*; impact factor:5.203)
[6] Shanxia Sun, Michael S. Delgado and Juan P. Sesmero, 2016. “Dynamic Adjustments in Agricultural Practices to Economic Incentives Aiming to Decrease Fertilizer Application.” Journal of Environmental Management 177: 192-201. (ABS 3; A; impact factor:5.647)
[7] Shanxia Sun, Juan P. Sesmero, and Karina Schoengold, 2016. “The Role of Common Pool Problems in Irrigation Inefficiency: A Case Study in Groundwater Pumping in Mexico.” Agricultural Economics 47: 117-127. (ABS 2; A; impact factor:2.263)
[1] 广义空间双重差分模型的构建及其在环境政策评估中的应用,主持,国家自然科学基金(NO.71803125),执行期:2019-01-2021-12