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博士 副教授 硕士生导师 houkeqiang@shu.edu.cn





经济学博士,McMaster University,2005-2010

经济学硕士,University of Windsor,2003-2005


上海财经大学金融学院, 助理教授, 2010-2016


投资策略总监, 上海具力资产管理有限公司,2018-至今


主讲课程:《Investment Analysis and Risk Management》、《Investment Analysis》、《Fixed Income Securities》、《固定收益证券》、《Applied Portfolio Management》、《应用投资组合管理》、《International Finance Management》、《International Trade and Investment》、《私募股权投资》、《资产证券化》、《结构化融资工具实务》、《跨国公司投资》、《Economic Evaluation》、《国际金融理论》、《货币银行学》、《金融学导论》等多门本科生与研究生专业必修课。


[1] Xing Li, Keqiang Hou*(corresponding author), Over-weighting risk factor augmented with mutual fund managers' social networks, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Volume 77, 2023, 101914

[2] Yixin Dai, Ruijia Zhang, Hanqing Hu, Keqiang Hou*(corresponding author), Is there “productivity paradox” in Chinese producer-service enterprises' OFDI?, International Review of Financial Analysis, Volume 84, 2022, 102318

[3] Keqiang Hou, Xing Li, Ting Wu, Zeguang Li, Forecasting Bond Return in a Macro Model, International Review of Economics and Finance 2020 (72) pp 524-545 (SSCI, IF 2.3, Q2)

[4] Zeguang Li, Keqiang Hou*(corresponding author), Chao Zhang, The impacts of trading restrictions on the stock market in China- Research based on the circuit breaker mechanism, Pacific Basin Finance Journal, forthcoming, 2021 (SSCI, IF 1.92, Q1)

[5] Sarath Delpachitra, Keqiang Hou*(corresponding author), Simon Cottrell, The impact of oil price shocks in the Canadian economy: A structural investigation on an oil-exporting economy, Energy Economics, Volume 91, 2020, (SSCI, IF 4.51, Q1)

[6] Xing Li, Keqiang Hou*(corresponding author), Chao Zhang, Intangible Factor and the Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle, Financial Research Letter, 2020, 34 (SSCI, IF 1.76, Q1)

[7] Xing Li, Keqiang Hou*(corresponding author), R&D Based Knowledge Capital and Future Firm Growth: Evidence from China’s Growth Enterprise Market Firms, Economic Modelling, (SSCI, IF 1.76, Q2)

[8] Hou, Keqiang, Xing Li, and Wei Zhong, Price limits and asymmetry of price dynamics – High frequency evidence from the Chinese stock market, forthcoming in Emerging Market Finance and Trade, 2020, 56: 1447-1461, (SSCI, IF 1.23, Q3)

[9] Zeguang Li, Keqiang Hou*(corresponding author), Simon Cottrell, Do listed banks have higher operating efficiency and output efficiency? Australian Economic Papers, 2018 Sep, 57, Pages 309-326, (SSCI, IF 1.34, Q3)

[10] Hou, Keqiang, Alok Johri, Intangible Capital, the labor wedge and the volatility of corporate profits, Review of Economic Dynamics, 2018, 29, Pages 216-234, (SSCI, IF 2.55, Q1)

[11] Hou, Keqiang, Dean Mountain, Ting Wu, Oil price shocks and their transmission mechanism in an oil-exporting economy: A VAR analysis in formed by a DSGE model, (with Dean Mountain and Ting Wu), Journal of International Money and Finance, 2016 Nov, 68, Pages 21-49, (SSCI, IF 1.91, Q2)

[12] 侯克强,陈万华,开放小经济体的货币政策传导机制,《世界经济》,2009, 32(8): 51-67 (CSSCI)

[13] 李杏、侯克强、陈万华,人力资本跨国流动与中国经济增长——基于外商直接投资视角的研究,《国际贸易问题》,2011(8):132-143 (CSSCI)


[1] 侯克强,《随机动态一般均衡模型的应用与分析》,betway唯一官网出版社,2021(校稿)

[2] 谢斐、侯克强、年四伍,《自贸区大宗商品交易及风险管理》,格致出版社,2015


[1] 《基于滞涨视角下的企业创新投资估值与人力资本积累》,科技部高端外专项目,36万,2022-2023
