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必威betway平台工商管理系主任博士 副教授 硕士研究生导师 zouhailiang@shu.edu.cn










2012,香港城市大学,ResearchAssociate (RA)



Journal of Business Research, Business Strategy and the Environment,Journal of Cleaner Production等期刊审稿人




[1]H. Zou, G. Qi, X. Xie, H. Ma, 2020, The effects of formal and informal CEO power on firm risk in China: the mediating role of corporate social responsibility,Asia Pacific Business Review,Accepted, https://doi.org/10.1080/13602381.2020.1843243 . (SSCI/ABS2)

[2]QiG.Y., Jia Y.H.Zou H.L.(*) 2020. Is institutional pressure the mother of green innovation? Examining the moderating effect of absorptive capacity, Journal of Cleaner Production, Accepted, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123957.

[3]Qi Guoyou,Zou Hailiang(*), Xie Xuemei, 2020. Governmental inspection and green innovation: Examining the role of environmental capability and institutional development,Corporate Social Responsibility and the Environment, published online,https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.1924(JCR Q1, IF:5.513)

[4]Qi, G.Y.,Zou, H.L.(*),X.X.M. andZeng, S.X. (2020), "Firms’ reaction to threats from informal firms: exploring the roles of institutional quality and technical gap",Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, published online,https://doi.org/10.1108/JBIM-07-2019-0346(ABS 3star, ABDC:A)

[5]XieX.M., Huo J.G.,Zou H.L.(*)Green process innovation, green product innovation, and corporate financial performance: A content analysis method.Journal of Business Research2019. Published Online, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.01.010(ABDC:A)

[6]MengX.H., Zeng S.X., Xie X.M.Zou H.L.(*), Beyond symbolic and substantive: Strategic disclosure of corporate environmental information in China,Business Strategy and the Environment. 2019.28(2): 403-417. (ABS: 3 star)

[7]Qi G.Y.,Zou H.L. (*), Xie X.M., Meng X.H., Cao Yuanhe. 2020.Obedience or Escape: Examining the Contingency Influences of Corruption on Firm Exports,Journal of Business Research.106: 261-272.(ABDC:A)

[8]Zou H.L., Xie X.M., Meng X.H. Yang M. Y. 2019. The diffusion of CSR through social network ties:From a perspective of strategic imitation. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. 26:186–198.(JCR:Q1)

[9]Zou H.L., Xie X.M., Qi G.Y., Yang M.Y. 2019.The heterogeneous relationship between board socialtiesand corporate environmental responsibility in an emerging economy.Business Strategy and the Environment,28:40-52. (ABS: 3 star)

[10]Zou H.L., Qi G.Y., Xie X.M., Meng X.H. 2020.Examining the contingency value of certification on regulatory burden in a transitional economy.Business and Society. 59(3),489-517.

[11]Xie Xuemei,Zou Hailiang(*), Qi Guoyou. 2018. Knowledge absorptive capacity and innovation performance in high-tech companies: A multi-mediating analysis.Journal of Business Research. 88: 289-297 (ABDC: A)

[12]Zou H.L.,Zeng S.X., Qi G.Y., Shuai P. 2017. Do environmental violations affect loan financing? Evidence from China.Human and Ecological Risk Assessment.23(7), 1775-1795. (SSCI)

[13]Zou H.L.,Zeng S.X., Lin H. 2015. Top executives’compensation, industrial competition and environmental performance.Management Decision. 23(9),1-19.(SSCI)

[14]Zou H.L., Zeng R.C., Zeng S.X., ShiJonathanJ. 2015. Howdo environmental violation events harm corporate reputation?Business Strategy and the Environment, 24,836-854.(IF:3.076)

[15]Zou H.L., Zeng S.X., Lin H., Zhang X.L. 2015. Intra-industry effect of corporate environmental violation:Anexploratorystudy.Journal of Cleaner Production,2015, 428-437. (IF: 3.590)

[16]Zou H.L., Zeng S.X., Zeng R.C., Xie L.N. 2015. Are top executives rewarded by environmental performance? The role of the board of directorsin thecontext of China.Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 21(6), 1542-1565.(IF:2.30)(SSCI)

[17]Xie X.M., Zeng S.X., Zhang Z.P.,Zou H.L. 2017.Identifying the factors determining cooperative innovation effect in emerging economies: evidence from Chinese firms,Chinese Management Studies, 11(3): 367-386.(SSCI)

[18]Lin, H. Zeng, S.X. Wang, L.Y.Zou, H.L.and Ma, H.Y. (2016). How does environmental irresponsibility impair corporate reputation? A multi-method investigation.Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 23 (6) :413-423.(SSCI)

[19]Xu X.D., Zeng S.X.,Zou H.L.,Shi Jonathan J.2014.The impact of corporate environmental violation on shareholders’ wealth: A perspectivetaken frommedia coverage.Business Strategy and the Environment,25 (2) :73-91. (SSCI)

[20]Qi G.Y., Zeng S.X., Tam C.M., Yin H.T.Zou H.L.2011.Stakeholders’influences oncorporategreeninnovationstrategy: Acasestudy ofmanufacturingfirms in China, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 20(1):1-14. (SSCI,Q1)


[1].2020.01-2023.12 “企业社会责任的模仿行为与红皇后效应”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(71972125),主持


[3].2016.01-2018.12 “企业环境绩效对资本成本的影响机制”, 国家自然科学青年基金项目(71503160),主持




