Mountain Bike Pedal Strikes

Mountain biking is a popular and exciting sport that requires skill, strength, and endurance. However, one common issue that many riders face is pedal strikes. Pedal strikes occur when the rider’s foot hits the ground while pedaling, causing them to lose control and potentially crash. In this blog post, we will explore the main causes of pedal strikes and ways to prevent them.

Poor Bike Fit

One of the main causes of pedal strikes is poor bike fit. If the rider’s saddle is too high, their feet will be closer to the ground, increasing the likelihood of a pedal strike. Additionally, if the rider’s handlebars are too low, they will be more likely to hit the ground while pedaling. To prevent this, riders should make sure their bike is properly fitted to their body and that the saddle and handlebars are adjusted to the correct height.

Riding Position

Riding Position

Another cause of pedal strikes is riding position. Riders who are too upright or who have their feet too far forward on the pedals are more likely to hit the ground. To prevent this, riders should make sure they are in a low, aggressive riding position with their feet in the correct position on the pedals.

Trail Conditions

Trail conditions can also contribute to pedal strikes. Riding on rocky or uneven terrain can make it difficult to maintain control and avoid hitting the ground. To prevent this, riders should be aware of the trail conditions and adjust their riding accordingly.

Pedal Choice

Pedal Choice

The choice of pedals can also contribute to pedal strikes. Pedals that have a large profile or are too low to the ground can increase the likelihood of a pedal strike. To prevent this, riders should choose pedals that are designed for mountain biking and that have a low profile.

Lack of Practice

Finally, lack of practice can also contribute to pedal strikes. Riders who are new to the sport or who haven’t ridden in a while may have difficulty controlling their bike and avoiding pedal strikes. To prevent this, riders should practice on a variety of trails and conditions and work on improving their skill and control.

How To Avoid Pedal Strikes


Pedal strikes are a common issue for mountain bikers. However, by understanding the causes of pedal strikes and taking steps to prevent them, riders can avoid these accidents and enjoy their sport to the fullest. Proper bike fit, riding position, trail conditions, pedal choice, and practice are all crucial in avoiding pedal strikes. By following these tips, riders can improve their control and confidence while on the trails. Happy and safe riding!


Biker And Author | + posts

Mahin Abrar is a passionate writer and outdoor enthusiast. As a regular contributor to, Mahin shares his knowledge and experiences in the fields of biking, cycling, hiking, and camping. With a deep understanding of these activities and a keen eye for detail, he offers valuable insights and practical advice to help readers get the most out of their adventures. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, Mahin's writing is sure to inspire you and guide you on your journey.